Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Double Life

Secret's out. I have a double life.*

Most of you know either one or the other. Chris knows both and is most likely scared.

The first is school-year Laura. School-year Laura exists 10 months out of the year. She doesn't blog. She is always tired. She has no friends. We don't like school-year Laura.

The second is cool, fun, no-school Laura. We like her a lot!

She is crafty.
For my mother-in-law. Mississippi State wreath.

She can knit.
My first blanket. Currently working on blanket #2.

She makes delicious Shepherd's Pie for this little Irish family on New Year's Day.
What's luckier on New Year's Day than a traditional Irish dish. It might be touched by leprechauns.
She gives herself awesome manicures.
No stickers. Just paint. I always wanted to work in a nail salon.
She goes out to dinner with friends.
Sunset Grill, Nashville, New Year's Eve
She stays up after midnight.
New Year's Eve at Tyler and Emilee's!
Tomorrow, school-year Laura must return. She'll be here until May 29. I think I'll miss my friends and family the most, but duty calls. I'm still working on how to fuse school-year Laura and no-school Laura, but no such luck. They are divided by a great canyon called room 201. 

*I promise I'm not bi-polar, nor do I have multiple personality disorder.

Also, happy new year! Blah, blah, blah...2012 has some memories. Looking forward to the promises of 2013...blah blah. All major events will be documented on the blog.