I am taking FULL advantage of Fall Break. I know 90% of you are saying right now "I wish I had fall break...." I don't really know what to tell you. Sorry? But trust me when I say that teachers would be roaming the streets like zombies at this point in the year if we didn't have fall break. This is really for everyone's safety.
I started the day the way every good wife starts her day--by putting meat in the crockpot. Today's dish is steak coated with A1 sauce, dijon mustard, and white wine. It looks kind of like freshly extracted lung here, but it gets better.
Then Itchy and I took the 1.2 mile hike to the leasing office to pay our rent. Itchy used this an opportunity to poop on a fire hydrant. I tried to explain to him that you're supposed to pee on fire hydrants, but then realized that my dog is just ballsy like that. Poop away, Itchers!
For lunch, I indulged in my all-time favorite, pizza rolls. I don't have enough time to cook these during the school day, and when I make them on the weekend, the ratio always ends up Laura-35/Chris-5. So these are my home-alone guilty pleasure.
Then I went to Ross (DressforLess...just for you KShell) and bought some fancy sticks. I've been wanting fancy sticks for this corner of our apartment. I challenged Chris when he came home that there was something new in the apartment, thinking this could last days before he found it. Turns out he pays more attention than I thought. I'll have to find sneakier sticks next time.
Itchy chewed his new Durabone on Chris' pants. He's never actually chewed clothing, but he really likes chewing on top of clothing.
Chris had another surprise waiting on him in the fridge. Butterfinger cake! Thanks Aunt Missy for the recipe! I love having time to make cakes.
I told you that extracted lung would get better. We enjoyed steak, potatoes, and Sister Shubert rolls. I'm pretty much wife of the year.
Then Itchy pretended like he was a princess on a pillow. This dog really has come a long way since his shared block cell at the pound.
That was my day. It was glorious. I look forward to retirement, when I can spend everyday baking cakes, feeding my husband steak and taters, and shopping for fancy sticks.
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