Monday, August 26, 2013

Lil Update on the O'Briens

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged. I wish I could say it's because we've been super busy, but it's actually because we've been super boring. No one wants to read about boring people.

But there have been a few things going on in our lives. They are as follows:

We spent the summer in Mississippi. That's a different place. Chris had a 7 week clinical placement at an acute care hospital in Columbus. We were sooo thankful that his aunt and uncle, Lynne and David, lived just down the road so we were not homeless. Also thankful their house did not have bullet holes in it... as ours currently did. That's another story.

The month in the 'Sip was just as you might imagine it-- fishing, lost satellites on the GPS, and wild hogs hitting our car. It was wonderful.

We Sarah made a cake:

Itchy tried to eat the O'Brien family cat 3x a day:

We lounged:

Sadly, we had to come home and take care of ourselves like real adults. And deal with that bullet hole.

A few other current events:

  • I just started my 6th year of teaching. We are up to our eyeballs in Common Core, but 2nd grade is still the best of them all.
  • Chris began his final year of PT school today. And paid tuition payment #8. One more to go. ONE. MORE. TO. GO.
  • We have started attending a new church in Murfreesboro. This has been one heck of a journey. Chris and I had such great churches families in Knoxville and miss them so much more than we ever knew we would. Since being in Nashville, we have officially seen it all when it comes to churches. Churches with a little this, a little that, none of what matters. Churches that are HARD to fit in to. Churches with more emphasis on performance than community. Churches more interested in being relevant than preaching truth. On the recommendation from a friend (of course a Knox-church-friend), we have started attending a church 0.2 miles from our house. It's a mix between Calvary (my home) and CrossWalk (Chris' home) with a Mark Driscoll/Greg Pinkner/Louis Giglio hybrid pastor. We are really praying this is our final home. We are so tired of being homeless.
  • And finally, football season begins in 5 days. So at this moment, we're still really pumped about Tennessee's season. Don't rain on our parade. We will begin accepting flowers and chocolate by the end of October.
  • Go Vols. We love you anyway.

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