Monday, July 21, 2014

So Many Things

Well I haven't blogged in a while, but I'm not sorry. I have a baby.

Actually, we have been so busy these past few months. I have joked that I feel busier and more tired than I did when I was working full time. A recap:


  • I had a baby.

  • Traveled to my parents' lake house with Caroline for the first time. She did so great on her first overnight trip. We learned she does not like when Mommy eats greasy food.

  • Chris took the Physical Therapy Licensure Exam and ROCKED it. 
  • Chris graduated and officially became Dr. O'Brien!

  • We traveled to Atlanta for Matt and Karen's wedding!

  • I went back to work for the last week of school.

  • We went back to the lake house, and I caught a fish as big as Caroline.

  • We went to Knoxville. <3

  • We celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary.

  • Caroline traveled to Mississippi for the first time. Sarah and I made this:

  • We moved to a new house in Mount Juliet.
[no picture. sorry, stalkers.]

  • Chris started his first job as Dr. O'Brien, PT, DPT.

  • We traveled to Tupelo for Matt and Stephanie's wedding.

  • We went to Lake Week[end] with Chris' extended family. I somehow managed to take no pictures, so here is an adorable picture of Caroline from today:

That should bring us up-to-date. Life is so fun right now. Except that the IRS is still after us. There have got to be richer, more interesting people actually breaking the law. WHHYYY. Sorry, we really are enjoying life. Chris loves his job. It's so refreshing to have him come home feeling energized. I'm adjusting to the stay-at-home mom life. It's a lot busier than I thought. 

Caroline is a joy. Seriously. I miss her when she takes naps and look at pictures of her when she goes to bed. She can roll across a room, spin 360 degrees on her tummy, and "talk" all day. She takes 3-4 naps a day and sleeps 9-10 hours at night. She's still breastfeeding. 

Two weeks ago, we went to the doctor for her 4 month appointment. She had not gained as much weight as she should have. The doctor thinks it could be genetic-related, since her mother is part ginger pygmy, or the fact that for a while, our house looked like that Family Guy episode where they all take ipecac.

She's on medicine for reflux now and has started some solid foods to see if that helps her gain weight. If not, she will be officially diagnosed as a ginger pygmy, too. 

I believe that's everything going on with us. I am feeling this intense need to hang posters on walls and label desks. It's very weird to not be going back to school this fall, but I'm looking forward to spending time with my baby girl and actually trying the 8,234 things I've pinned on Pinterest. So if any of my teacher friends need help in their classrooms, holla at your girl. 

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