Monday, April 1, 2013

Artsy Fartsy

Spring break = craft time. And naps. And also, I ate an entire can of black beans today. Just the black beans, no other food.

I'm a weird spring breaker.

But I did do something productive! I made an art. I will now add this to my "Things Laura Can Do" website. (That is a whole other blog.)

First, the materials:

  • 12" x 12" canvas
  • acrylic paint
  • brushes
  • wooden letter
  • brand new hot glue gun from your in-laws!

Step 1: Draw your design. I like things to be as close to paint by number as possible.

Step Two: Start painting.

Step Three: Keep painting.

Step Four: Put a second layer of paint on your art because that's what you do on walls. Then hot glue your wooden letter (which you also painted) right in the middle.

Viola! This is my art. And in Nashville, you are not allowed to criticize anyone's art. One of the perks of Nashville.

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