I had to get a physical yesterday because I "promised" my insurance I would be a "partner" in health. Apparently if I get a physical, and my doctor gives me a health goal for the year, my insurance is lower. So off I went...fasting and all. Things were going well. I didn't have to pee in a cup, so I was pretty happy about that. They did need a blood sample, though. Having blood drawn doesn't bother me. I would rather have blood drawn than pee in a cup. This time, however, we had a little surprise. My nurse and I were happily chatting away when she looked down to remove the needle and gasped. This is never a good sign, so I looked down too. The area around my vein was HUGE! As if an Easter egg was shoved under my skin. The nurse explained that my vein must have popped, but she was pretty sure she could stop the swelling and subsequent bruising by slamming a wad of cotton balls on it. The swelling eventually went away, and the exam continued as expected. The only remained side effects are a pretty sweet bruise and pain (but only when I hold my phone to my ear or my arm hits my purse). Overall--much more exciting doctor visit than expected. You're welcome, state of TN group insurance.
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Not this kind of popped vein. |
Easter is quickly approaching! Chris and I are keeping with our traditional Easter plans, which include lunch at Rosalie's house. Rosalie is a super-awesome employee of UT's BCM, who always invites family-less college students to her house for Easter lunch. This will be Chris and I's 3rd year, but the first that we are bringing a dish. We figured since we are married and technically not in college, it's about time we contributed.
Chris volunteered that we would bring sweet potato casserole, which is interesting because neither of us has ever made sweet potato casserole. So the day started by boiling sweet potatoes. We lost the super-veiny one on account that it was entirely green inside. According to Google, green = toxic. So we only had 2 yams for the first dish.
Chris did most of the work on the sweet potato casseroles. Yes, there were 2 casseroles. For 2 reasons.
1. I like marshmallows on top.
2. Chris likes pecans on top.
I don't have any pictures of the final product because things got busy around the time they were done. Because...
We made shepherd's pie for dinner! Quickly becoming one of my favorite meals. So good, in fact, that we invited friends Catherine and Ermily over to eat it with us!
Shepherd's Pie. Beautiful. |
After dinner we moved on to the dessert we are bringing to Rosalie's. Chess bars! A beautiful concoction of sugar, butter, cream cheese, and more sugar. Basically, diabetes waiting to happen.
The smell is the best part. |
WHILE all of this was going on today (8 hours of cooking), I also cleaned out my closet and switched my winter clothes to summer clothes. It was a disaster for a while, but I found 2 bags of clothes to give away. Now there's more room for new clothes.....!!!
All clothes in floor. None in closet. |
Adventures in Cooking: Hello. Have you even read the above post?
You Know Your Hair Is Too Long If...: You are genuinely concerned that your hair will light on fire when you bend over to pull food out of the oven.
Person I'm Missing Today: Softball friends. Spring weather brings back allllll the softball memories.
I'm the one in the blue shirt. |
Bible Verse that Rocks Today:
John 16:7 "But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you."
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