Monday, April 18, 2011

School Zones and Miley Cyrus

I go through 5 school zones on the way to my own school every morning. As a teacher, I feel like I should be more patient in school zones. I'm not. I probably hate them more than the average person. But I also go through them slower than the average person, because I'm pretty sure getting a ticket in a school zone as a teacher is quadruple the fine. However, only one of these school zones makes sense. After 2 years, I still haven't found the school for one of them. I might make the number of school zones I pass through a bigger deciding factor in my next job.

I teach PreK. It's a pretty special job. By special, I mean (church lady voice) "Isn't that special?" The most special conversations always happen during lunch. Today's was a gem.

Kids: We can't wait til kindergarten! We're going to have so much fun!
Me: You sure are! I wish I could be there with you guys.
Kids: [gasp] You won't be there?
Me: We've talked about this. You get a new teacher when you go to kindergarten. I am moving.
Kids: Where are you going?
Me: I'm moving to Nashville.
Kids: Where's Nashville?
Me: It's in the middle of Tennessee.
Kids: (one at a time) I live in Tennessee! I live in Tennessee! I live in Tennessee too!
Me: We've talked about this too. We all live in Tennessee. Nashville is far away in Tennessee.
Smart kid: Like Memphis?! And Elvis?
Me: Memphis is in Tennessee, too. But I'm going to Nashville. Like where the governor lives.
Kids: [silence]
Me: Like where the Titans live.
Kids: [silence]
Me: Like where Miley Cyrus lives.
Kids: [screams] Miley Cyrus! Do you know her? Are you staying in her house? I like Hannah Montana better.

So to sum up: They were pretty sad that I am not their kindergarten teacher, but all the sadness faded pretty quickly at the thought of Miley Cyrus.


I'd like to end today with what I hope will be recurring segments. I like things organized, so here we go.

Adventures in Cooking: 6 Can Chicken Tortilla Soup for dinner tonight. This is more adventures in can opening than cooking, but whatever.

You Know Your Hair Is Too Long If....: You close your hair in the car door at least once a day. Sometimes twice.
This is not me.

Person I'm Missing Today: Catherine and our home(s) for the previous 6 years.
Circa 2008.

Bible Verse that Rocks Today:
Psalm 112: 6-8 "Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes."

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