Friday, December 30, 2011

Adoption Help!

Dear People Who Read My Blog,

Two sweet friends of mine have been in the process of adopting a baby for several months now. If you or anyone you know has gone through the adoption process, you know how ridiculously expensive it is. They thought they still had 12-18 months to raise the rest of the money, but found out THIS WEEK that they were matched with an itty bitty baby boy. They have ONE WEEK to raise the rest of the money ($11,300) so they can bring their son home.

You should probably read their story HERE.

Or here:

Pleeeeeeease consider donating a little bit of money to help them. God has moved in a truly miraculous way. What an awesome opportunity to be a part of a miracle.

Okay, the link one more time in case you missed it

Yes, all of those words link to the same blog. I really want you to go.

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