Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Things I Am Currently Obsessed With...And You Should Be Too

Whichever stage of my life you know me from, you probably can name one thing I was obsessed with. Some say obsessions are not healthy. I say-- not having obsessions are unhealthy. So here we go.

Black Beans

I could eat black beans every day.

You could put black beans with the grossest food on earth, and I would eat it.

I used to think black beans looked disgusting. Then I tried them. I hate when my mom is right.


I learned to knit in college and have had a love/hate relationship with it since. I can only knit things in straight lines. Mainly scarves and head-band-ear-muffs. I have recently undertaken an adventure to knit a blanket. I'm still not totally confident on the blanket, so I guess it will just have to be a little blanket...for a little one...

Teen Mom

I know. I know. Reality TV.

But in all seriousness, it is a fantastic show about the real consequences of teenage unprotected sex. I have a little a lot of experience with abstinence/sex education programs. Over the years, I've probably spoken to thousands of kids about the dangers of sex before marriage. While I absolutely believe abstinence is the BEST way to protect your heart and your body from certain pain, I also understand that abstinence-only programs don't work. Now I will admit--there is no thrill like shouting the names of STDs and "frothy!" at kids. But Teen Mom shows the long-term consequences of having a baby in high school. If you put aside the somewhat-fabricated drama, Teen Mom realistically portrays two things: how hard it is to raise a baby as a teenager and how hard it is to deal with the heartache after a breakup. Of the eight couples on Teen Mom/Teen Mom 2, only ONE of them are still together. And that is the couple that gave their baby up for adoption.

Teen pregnancy has dropped 9% since Teen Mom began airing.

Wait until you're married, folks.

My sister-in-law's fudge

For real. It is delicious.

Last year I ate 3-4 pieces a day. This year, I saw her make the fudge and have limited my rations to 1 a day. I'm not 19 anymore.

Peppermint Mocha Creamer

Coffee is not coffee without peppermint mocha creamer. Apparently this is a "Christmas drink," but if you can buy it in the store year-round, I am allowed to drink it year-round. And I do. Now coffee just tasted weird without it.

My husband

Seriously. He's the best.

He's such a hard worker and so patient. He's hilarious.

And he tolerates all my obsessions.

I love him.

Those are the latest. This, of course, is on top of all the other obsessions, which still include: Friends, Mountain Dew, popcorn chicken, O'Charleys, and my wiener dog.

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