Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ohhh the BREAD!

Chris mourning over Mark being turned into a loaf of bread.
"This is for my father!"   "This is for all the people you've turned into bread!"
I'm sorry...these images were totally worth bringing back. If I had the video link, I would totally post it.

This classic BCM movie was stuck in my head all day Tuesday. Why you ask? Because I made homemade bread!!

I don't really like bread, but I wanted to see if I could do it. First lesson I learned was that there is a special flour just for bread. You should probably use that if you're making bread.
First, mix a really stinky package of yeast with a bunch of other stuff until you get this cute little ball of dough.   
Next, cover the bread with a damp cloth and place in a "warm place." Naturally, the warmest place I could think of was outside on the back porch.
Um, hello? It worked. The yeast has risen!
After putting the buns in the oven (hahaha...), you have created bead! It was not super fluffy, so I'll try to work on that next time. I guess it was okay because Chris ate an entire loaf in one day. But that could have been out of pity, because he's sweet like that.

If you would like to made homemade bread, here's the recipe I used.

I also made barbeque chicken in the crockpot. Again, I don't really like barbeque either, but Tuesday was all about making Chris happy. If you ever want a super easy meal, throw some still-frozen pieces of chicken in the crockpot. Empty a small bottle of barbeque sauce on it, and let the crockpot do the magic.

Alright, that's today edition of the boring food blog. I'm excited because before we got married, I knew how to cook frozen chicken fingers and frozen potatoes only. Homemade bread is a big deal. Plus, you get to use these things:
Until now, these were for chasing Chris around like Captain Hook.

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