Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This Adventure

We I started this blog when we found out we were moving to Nashville. We wanted a way to document this adventure. Since Chris and I met in Knoxville, we entered the relationship with separate connections and memories of East TN. This was our first adventure to somewhere new. A chance to build all of our memories in a new place together. Leaving Knoxville was tough. It's not really gotten easier. Fortunately, we are headed back this weekend to see all of our college friends!

Nashville doesn't feel like home yet. We're trying. Honestly. I'm not sure what it takes to bring about that feeling of "belonging." Maybe when you can successfully navigate from Target to Old Navy without a GPS? Maybe when you hear the traffic report on the radio and can determine whether you are currently headed that way or not? Definitely when you can listen to a conversation between other people discussing what they did over the weekend and recognize all the places they went. I just zone out during most conversations these days because I don't know what people are talking about. This made me wonder if it was like this when I moved to Knoxville...but then, everyone was new to Knoxville so we all figured it out together. Chris and I are on our own here.

The thing I miss the most? Having a genuine conversation with someone. If it wasn't for Lestic being in town, I would have lost it by now. I took for granted having conversations with people who already knew my story. They knew where I was coming from and responded accordingly. When I said "Church was rough today," they knew what I meant. I don't think I was prepared for this part of the "adventure." For some, it might be a welcome chance to start over. For me, I "started over" a while back. I hadn't realized moving to Nashville would mean leaving all the people who "got me started." Flying solo is not so much fun.

In other news...

School is getting better. I like my kids. I love the people I work with. I get 3 days off next week and 2 weeks at Christmas. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Chris has some pretty serious tests coming up. Please pray that he'll have time to study among everything else he does and do well on his tests. I might need a whole different blog on how proud I am of him.

We went to Florida the first weekend of November for my brother's wedding! A few pictures...

Memom and I getting ready for the rehearsal dinner.


After the wedding.

I don't have any pictures of the actual ceremony because I was coordinating/running through the sand like a leprechaun to watch it myself. Funny story though--I was having wardrobe malfunctions before the wedding, but found an adorable fix. That blue halter strap around my neck is my swimsuit. I kind of like the dress better this way! 

That's the life update for now. Trying to find little joys in a big transition. Remembering that God called us here. He won't leave us stranded.

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