Saturday, May 19, 2012

When you don't have anything nice to say...

...don't blog.

Hopefully, life will be cheerier soon. Only 3 more days of school (with kids). Knoxville/Gatlinburg for our anniversary. Couple of lake weekends this summer. Woot.

I have very much enjoyed having my husband home so much right now. I'm a little bit dreading him starting summer school again. We enjoyed a wonderful, rare day of doing NOTHING today. We slept in, went grocery shopping together, watched a whole season of Scrubs, watched storms roll in from the porch.... Maybe not exactly how we would have spent our free day in college, but I love this old, married life we have built.

The longer you are married, the more alike you become...
Face Juggler App

Chris just found Friends on TV and voluntarily turned it. This is why I love him.

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