Thursday, February 2, 2012

Completely Irrelevant Ramble About My Life

I have been SO tired lately. Like...fall asleep sitting up tired. I get to work at 7:00 every morning and usually don't get home until 5:00 or 5:30. Because I bring home the big bucks. Okay, so I don't get paid for any time after 2:45, but I want to keep my job. But 10 hour work days are getting pretty rough. When you're a teacher, there is NO down time. When I worked at Kay's, there were always times when no one was in the store and I could stare into space and day dream for like 10 minutes. (Sorry Dad.) But in teaching, the only mental break you get is your 1 restroom break for the day. So you gotta make that 30 seconds count.

I'm not really complaining about it...I've just noticed that I've been waaaay more tired than usual lately. Hopefully it's just all the sad, cold winter weather we've been having.............

I miss snow days.

On a completely different note, I have the best husband to come home to. He lets me ramble about standardized tests and new curriculum adoptions without a single rolled eye. He wakes up at 5:45 when I do and starts studying so that he's also tired at my grandma bedtime of 9:30. (I have 14 minutes left.) He immediately starts making dinner when he sees me walk in the door with my "I've had it up to metaphorical here" look. And because I got extra lucky by marrying a (future) physical therapist, he works out the softball-sized knots in my back. Listening to the naming of each muscle fiber is a small price to pay for the physical therapy magic.

I love him.

My kitting is going well. My Hunger Games reading is not. My brain just stops working at 6:00 and Teen Mom is about the most intelligence I can handle. I cooked 3 homemade meals this week and got burned out, so we went to Sonic tonight. The scary one on Nolensville. But it was great, and even though it's not the same one, it reminds of the time my friends and I went to Sonic 78 days* in a row in college.

I like 2012. I am suuuuuper excited about the summer olympics and Leslie and I's traditional viewing party. The 2004 opening ceremony was on TV the night my parents left me in my dorm by myself for the first time at UT. We've had a special connection ever since.

My class is going to see Aladdin (play) on Tuesday. I already know I'll be disappointed because Mark Jennings will not be playing Aladdin. Also, Mark Jennings is literally the only name I could have said that Chris would be okay with.

*Number may not be exact but it's pretty darn close. The carhops knew our names.

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