Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day and Lestic

Charleston, SC (2006)
Mother's Day 2011 (one day late)

I've known my mom for 25 years. Our relationship started a little rocky. Apparently I cried 28 hours a day and accepted nothing less than chocolate ice cream on my pacifier. Things got real when it took 3 people to hold me down long enough to give me Dimatapp. We reached a turning point after I watched my younger brother Mark receive a brutal whipping with a bubble sword. (just kidding...) After that, it's been pretty smooth sailing.

Reasons my mom is awesome:
1. Always willing to fry vegetables, meat, snacks, etc.
2. Gave me red hair.
3. Let me talk her into getting a cat in 7th grade. Said cat is still going strong...and still cared for by her.
4. Drove me to 19,237 softball practices and 8,373 softball games, most of which were 2-3 hours away.
5. Made me go to college away from home.
6. Taught me how to be an amazing teacher.
7. Did my laundry til I graduated high school.
8. Willing to overlook the first four years of my life.
9. Always kept the pantry stocked with Little Debbies, potato chips, and Cheese Nips
10. Loves me despite my faults, imperfections, attitude, and mood swings.

I love you, Mom! Happy Mother's Day!

In Other News...
Applying to jobs is one of the most frustrating, humbling thing in the world. I hate e-mailing people and begging them for a job. Yet, I e-mailed 3 more principals today....

Chris drove to Mississippi today to help his parents paint their new cottage. He'll be there for the next week. I want to spend this week in my bed, under the covers, asleep until next Monday.

I won't be in my bed til next Monday, though, because I have 20 parent-teacher conferences this week. Yeah...

Chris has a very strict "no ranting" policy for my blog. We'll see how long this holds up since he's not here. I'm pretty angry...

 Happy Birthday to my BFF, Maid of Honor.5, College Roomie Leslie "the Lestic" Street!!
Jamaica Mission Trip 2008
Leslie and I have shared many hours of Friends, America's Next Top Model, and any show from Discovery Health about strange and deformed people. We have made many emergency trips to Marble Slab for healing ice cream, as well as "Bruster's Fridays" in our pajamas for lunch. I am looking forward to moving back to Nashville and spending every night knocking down her door because "I Am My Own Twin" is on again. Lurve you!

Bible Verse that Rocks Today: 
Romans 8:18 "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." 

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