Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Glasses Came from the Kids' Section...

I'm currently watching Wheel of Fortune, so this could take a while. I'm awesome at Wheel of Fortune. Like, solved the puzzle with no letters showing awesome. I'm also awesome at Guitar Hero, but that's a different story. For now, laugh at my Wheel of Fortune geekiness and I'll explain the Guitar Hero later...

Yes, the title of this post is true.

So this week is Teacher Appreciation Week across the nation. I'm not gonna lie...I'm pretty jealous of all my teacher friends who have posted on facebook all the flowers, chocolate, gift cards, fruit, and even flip flops they have received. My school doesn't celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week...mostly because it would be up to me to inform my parents that this is Teacher Appreciation Week, and I'm not that conceited. But I remember Teacher Appreciation Week when I was at Farragut, and it's a pretty sweet week that almost makes up for everything teachers do during the whole year. One day was "Flower Day" and I came home with several bouquets of flowers. One day was "Fruit Day." That day was a little awkward because I think people sent in fruit they found lying around their homes, but it was a pretty display for a while. We had a potluck lunch one day. Everyone was so nice. I wanted to do a Parent Appreciation Week afterward.

Working at a low-income school has been a huge change from Farragut. Perhaps more rewarding in a less obvious way. When I taught at Farragut, I received over $200 in gift cards for Christmas alone. In the past 2 years at my current school, I have received 3 candles, a handful of chocolate, and one pair of white socks. This has meant more to me than any number of gift cards ever could. Families in my classroom struggle for daily needs. Why would they spend money on a gift for me? They tell me everyday with their hugs -yes, parent hugs- that they appreciate me. This is my Teacher Appreciation Week.

In other news, we're going on a field trip to the zoo this Friday. I'm tired just thinking about it.

In other, other news, I am not okay with the amount of change taking place at this current moment in life. This is my last weekend in Knoxville. [tear] Sunday is my last Sunday at Calvary. [sob] I am about to enter the world of the unemployed (hopefully temporarily). I will consider blogging about this, but I'm not sure my emotional health can take much more reminiscing right now.

Adventures in Cooking: Yesterday, Chris invited our community group over for dinner. I found out at 3:30 when I got home. We embarked on an adventure to cook everything in our kitchen without having to go to the grocery store. The result? This recipe consisting of chicken, rice, cheese, and pretty much all the spices we own. Chris made mozzarella-crescent roll puffs (delicious). Sides included peas, carrots, and cucumber. It was so good, we had it for dinner again tonight! (Read: "We were lazy tonight.")

You Know Your Hair is Too Long If...: You wash your hair at 9:00 pm and decide to let it dry over-night. When you wake up 9 hours later, it is still wet...

Circa 2008.
We switched pants one day. She's a foot taller.

Person I'm Missing Today: Heather and our old room at the Fellowship House...with the line of crap (mine) separating our sides of the room.

Bible Verse that Rocks Today:
Psalm 112:8 "His heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes."

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